Channel: Black Lab – Animal Rescue League of Boston
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Your Pet is Hurting, You Can’t Afford to Help


On Giving Tuesday Help Families and Their Pets When They Need it Most

11-19 Giving Tuesday PhotoImagine the heartbreak of being unable to afford veterinary care when your cherished pet is hurting. It is a scenario that we all hope never to face, but sadly it is the unfortunate reality for some pet owners who are struggling to make ends meet.

The Phillips family was faced with this exact situation when their beloved 8-month-old black lab mix Riley suddenly became very ill back in February 2012. The family watched helplessly as he went from a playful and rambunctious puppy to a sickly pup that refused to eat or drink.

After calling numerous clinics in the area in hopes of finding someone who could help and being declined due to financial constraints, they started to fear that their only option to stop Riley’s suffering was to put him down. Thankfully, they called Boston Veterinary Care at the Animal Rescue League of Boston, where they were finally able to get the assistance Riley so desperately needed by utilizing the ARL’s Alice T. Whitney Helping Hand Fund.

The Fund aims to help owners that are suffering from financial hardship by providing the emergency care their animals need at little to no cost.

We hope you’ll make a gift to the Alice T. Whitney Helping Hand Fund on December 3 for Giving Tuesday, so that animals like Riley and owners like the Phillips family can have a second chance together.

Riley was immediately given a thorough examination by the dedicated team at Boston Veterinary Care and it was determined that he had an obstruction in his intestines. Although the family was not entirely sure, they suspected that Riley had gotten a hold of a styrofoam takeout container right before he became ill.

11-19 Giving TUesday Photo 2Unfortunately, Riley’s condition had become so severe that in order to save his life, BVC’s veterinarians had to perform emergency exploratory surgery. Once inside, they discovered that Riley did in fact have an obstruction that was causing him extreme pain and required the removal of a portion of his intestines. This complex surgical procedure cost $1,700, which was more than the Phillips family could afford to pay, but thankfully the League’s Alice T. Whitney Fund covered the entire cost of the procedure and saved Riley’s life.

When Riley and his family were finally reunited after his surgery, Riley’s tail wagged furiously and he showered  them with kisses. Soon thereafter he was back to being the rambunctious puppy the Phillips family knew and loved.

Please consider giving to the Alice T. Whitney Helping Hand Fund. You can help families like the Phillips when they need it most.

Check out our blog next Tuesday for another story about a family and their pet, whose life was saved thanks to the Alice T. Whitney Helping Hand Fund.

Learn more about Giving Tuesday and the Alice T. Whitney Helping Hand Fund: arlboston.org/givingtuesday2013/

The post Your Pet is Hurting, You Can’t Afford to Help appeared first on Animal Rescue League of Boston.

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